Amikacin Sulphate 500mg Injection helps by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medicine is given as a drip or as an injection directly into a vein or a muscle under the observation of a healthcare professional and should not be self-administered. This medicine should be taken at the prescribed time as consulted by your healthcare professional. Do not skip any doses of this medicine and complete the full course of treatment even if you feel better. Quitting the medicine too early may cause to the infection return or worsen.
Amikacin Sulphate 500mg Injection is an antibiotic that is used to stop or cure a wide variety of bacterial infections. These may include infections of the urinary tract, bones, and joints, lungs, brain, blood, among others. It is also used in hospitalized patients to stop or reduce infections.
Medical Benefits
Amikacin Sulhpate 500mg is used to treat bacterial infections. Bacterial infection can be defined as the proliferation/multiplication of harmful strains of bacteria inside or on the body. Infectious or harmful bacteria can make you sick and reproduce quickly in your body. These harmful bacteria produce chemicals known as toxins, which can damage tissue and make you sick.
Keep this medicine away from the children. Place this medicine in a cool and dry place. Don’t expose this medicine in front of the sunlight.
Side Effects
- Irritation at the site of application
- Skin rash
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
You should have to take this medicine when your healthcare professional prescribes it to you. If you have any allergic issues from this drug so inform your doctor otherwise, you will suffer from chronic diseases. If you suffer from any problem like kidney, liver, heart, or any other problem tell to your healthcare professional. The dose of this medicine will depend on your health condition as monitored by your healthcare professional and also on your recovery rate. Place this medicine away from pets and children, otherwise, it creates a bad impact on their health. If you are suffering from any side effects after taking this medicine ask your healthcare professional. If you stop taking this medicine before completing the treatment your condition may worsen. If you have any doubts related to this medicine you should consult your healthcare professional.